Roberto Sifuentes: Artist, Painting in the Details

Roberto Sifuentes: Vietnam Veteran and Artist
One Man’s Patriotism
Roberto Sifuentes has been an artist all of his life. Skilled and honest through his talent, he is fluent with multiple artistic and creative mediums. But today we have the honor of viewing his straight out of life paintings. His ability to encapsulate moments of time with his paints and brushes; to ensnare emotions as our gaze fixates on the forever stilled images depicting a time long passed is an experience that is not easily matched.
As our nation celebrated the Fourth of July we take time to remember those who have given their life as the ultimate payment for freedom. We also gather together as a community of families to view the parades and share in the abundance of outdoor grilled meals. This week we will enjoy our loved ones and celebrate our nations heroes who made it back from keeping us safe. And that is why this privilege to sit with Vietnam Veteran and Artist, Roberto Sifuentes is such an honor.
After serving in the United States Army during a time when our nation did not display respectable regard for the sacrifices of soldiers, Roberto was able to project a voice that would transcend atmospheric barriers. Although his artistry was clearly recognizable prior to the war, his communicative strength accelerated in his works as he applied formal art education to his pieces.
On May 31 the San Antonio Memorial Library hosted a reception and solo artist exhibition for Mr. Roberto Sifuentes. Showcasing over fifteen brilliantly finished works, Roberto shares with us a glimpse in time. A glimpse in time that is intentional and specific, that holds on to an instance that has been shaped and worked into the canvas to only reveal a peek to the viewer. This insight that we are allowed to view is not of horror or dismay; but the images that can heal the heart, can camouflage recurring memories, images of valor earned through turmoil, images of the badges that are proofs to patriotism and resilience. Today we thank you for your service and from all of us at The Artists’ Chateau, God Bless You!
View of the Exhibition: “Sword and the Spirit” Vietnam and Religious Painting
Solo Exhibition for Artist Roberto Sifuentes
Hosted by:
Memorial Branch Library
3222 Culebra Road
San Antonio, Texas 78228 (for details)